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ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYAs name implies, it is defined as the characteristics or indicators that affect man either positively or negatively e.g air water, soil and sound/noise
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ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYThe characteristics of the local environment that affect human physical and mental health and quality of life, for example, the extent of air and water pollution, noise, access to open space, traffic [..]
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ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYQualite de lÂ’environnement
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ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYcharacteristics of a specific environment, especially as they impact human beings.
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ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYThe degree to which the naturally occurring resources of the planet (land, air, and water) are free of artificial impurities or waste products generated by human activity. Pollution is the primary nem [..]
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ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYState of environmental conditions in environmental media, expressed in terms of indicators or indices related to environmental quality standards
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ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYEnvironmental quality is a set of properties and characteristics of the environment, either generalized or local, as they impinge on human beings and other organisms. It is a measure of the condition [..]
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ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYThe impact or effects of environmental characteristics such as air,water and land on man and other organisms.
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ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYA notion related to the amounts of toxic chemicals and other stressors in the environment, to the frequency and intensity of disturbances, and to their effects on humans, other species, ecosystems, and economies.